Installing Oracle Linux 7

Obtaining and Preparing Installation Media

Download Oracle Linux installation media from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at

This ISO image contains everything needed to boot a system and start an installation. However, to complete the installation, you must specify the location. However, to complete the installation, you must specify the location of the packages, for example on a local disk or an NFS share. The Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) is used during the installation. Both the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 3 (UEK R3) and the RHCK aer installed.
After installation, the system boots the UEK R3 kernel by default.

Installing Oracle Linux Manually

To install Oracle Linux, you need to boot the system from the boot image.

Use the graphical installation program to install Oracle Linux provided that the system has sufficient memory and the video card is supported. Otherwise, text-based installation.

Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate the boot menu. To install Oracle Linux 7, select one of the options to install Oracle Linux and press Enter. The welcome to oracle Linux 7 screen is displayed.

Select language and click Continue.

The Installation summary screen presents an overview of the options selected for the installation and a menu for configuring those options. As a minimum, you must visit the options that are marked with a warning icon ⨻. If you want to connect the system to a network, you should also visit the Network Configuration option and ensure that network connections are enabled. You can change the Installation configuration options as much as you like, the installation does not begin until you click Begin Installation. As you visit the configuration options, pay attention to any warning messages displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Selecting the Full Installation Image

When you install Oracle Linux, you need to specify a location that contains the full installation image. To specify a location, click the Installation Source option on the Installation Summary screen to display the Installation Source screen.

Select auto-detected installation media and click done.

Selecting the Software to Install

The screen is in two parts, the Base Environment on the left and the Add-Ons for Selected Environment on the right. In the Base Environment part, you select an environment that best matches what the system will be used for. In the Add-Ons part, you select the software you want to add to the selected Base Environment.
The Minimal Install base environment is the default environment. It contains only the minimum set of packages required to run Oracle Linux and does not include many administration tools that you might normally use, such as wget or unzip. This environment is the most secure environment to install and requires the least system resources to run. After the software is installed, you can install any other packages you require. The Server with GUI base environment is the only environment that displays a graphical desktop when the system boots. All other base environments boot into a command-line environment. By default, the Server with GUI base environment installs the Gnome 3 desktop. If you want an alternative desktop, select KDE as an add-on.

Installation Destination

  • In the Local Standard Disks section, select the local disks you want to use for the installation by clicking on them. A tick icon is displayed next to the disks you have selected
Next, select how you want to partition the selected disks automatically or manually. By default, the Automatically configure partitioning option is selected. Automatic disk partitioning creates the following layout on the selected disks:
  • A 500 MB standard partition for an XFS file system mounted at /boot.
  • A 200 MB EFI system partition mounted at /boot/efi (UEFI-based systems only).
  • A partition in the remaining disk space configured as a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) physical volume for an LVM volume group that contains:
  • A logical volume for an XFS file system for the root file system (/).
  • A logical volume for an XFS file system for the /home file system (if the selected disks are larger than 50 GB in total).
  • A logical volume for a swap partition.

NB!! The Installation progress does not make any changes to any of the disks and storage until you click Begin Installation on the Installation Summary

Configuring the Host Name and Connecting to a Network

The installation program does not force you to configure the system's network interface and for some types of installation, network connections are disabled by default. To connect the system to a network either during installation or when the system boots, click Network & Hostname option on the Installation
Summary screen to display the Network & Hostname screen.

Completing the Installation

Once you have selected all your installation configuration options, click Begin Installation on the Installation Summary screen to start the installation. The configuration screen is displayed.

The screen contains a menu with two options for configuring users and a status bar that shows the progress of the installation. You can use the menu options while the installation is in progress. You must set the root password to finish the installation. Creating a user is optional, you can do it now or when the installation is complete. It is best to create a user, as you should login to the system as the root user only for administrative or maintenance task. If you want users to authenticate using a mechanism such as LDAP or Kerberos, you need to configure this when the installation is complete.

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